Death by a thousand cuts…

Little has happened since my last blog other than massive drops long fast carving right hand point breaks and acquired a pair of feet that look like they’ve been grated using all four sides/sizes of the box!  This is definitely a surf world problem.

(Point of note; when the guide book says bring booties, do and to hell with looking cool!)

To those uninitiated into surfing the problem with point breaks is that they mainly occur over reef/rocks/cobbles etc and the main trick to them is not actually surfing them but getting in and out of the water with both body and board intact.  In fact some entry/exit points are actually called keyholes they are so small.

OK so maybe you haven’t quite understood yet. If you have been in the sea and felt the power of waves whilst you wade in the sandy shallows and how the water washes around you sucking the sand out around your feet. Now try and imagine standing on slippery rocks watching waves twice/three times that size crash a few meters in front of you as you slowly wade out over the rocks, one hand free, trying not to slip and cut yourself on the razor sharp barnacles at the same time trying not to get knocked off your feet by the incoming waves also whilst judging when you should make a paddle for it – miss time this and you are back on the rocks, in the wrong place with no exit without significant injury to either yourself or board or both – nervous?

If you still haven’t got it watch this.  

Ok, cool, now imagine trying to get back in the same way.

All said and done whilst out there you are likely to catch the longest waves of your life that will put a smile on your face so huge it would power a thousand suns – that is until you have to work out how to get back in…

LSC surfer bit

El Salvador the land of right hand point breaks.

This place rocks. Max $30/day on food and $8/night for a 3 bed dorm with ac ($20 private).  Hire a car $30 a day and the world, all the reefs in the area, are your oyster, in fact if you’re brave enough you can get these off the locals on the beach…fresh?

The breaks are packed and a touch angsty at the weekends but during the week you can often do a little search and find empty/less crowded peaks.

Id say the best way to get around is by car and the best way to do that is to buy one from Mexico and drive it down (a less drastic way would be to hire a car f0r $40-45/day, probably cheaper from the airport).  Failing that, i’ve been getting buses, walking and hitching lifts with people in and around El Tunco.  Failing all that you can stay at one of the exorbitantly priced surf camps starting at $110/day.


The break i have most surfed is El Sunzal, which is described as a ‘ladies’ wave but trust me this has some meaty power behind it. It is a nice fat and slow wave, mainly for longboarding, but terrific to learn on.  Holds pretty much any size and is a, as with almost all waves in the area, long right hand point break over cobbles, though when small it has almost three peaks and you can definitely go left without too much bother.  Dont surf early in the morning/sunset as this is when it is mobbed by the local crew – surf at Ladies Time/Gentlemans Hour of 0830-1600, i.e the middle of the day and get a sun hat and loads of zinc. Surf all tides but push is best.


La bocanna sunset surf

I have also surfed K59, La Boccana, El Zonte.  K59 is an amazing right hand point break that has more power than the others and it just beautifully rolls around the point.  Get the bus here and walk down the hill BUT remember the last bus, on Sundays, leaves at 1700.  El Zonte is very similar to K59 but doesn’t handle a big swell and if you go around the corner there is another left and right off the beach.  La Boccana is directly in front of El Tunco and packs a MEAN left over cobbles and a right point that if you get in the right place and don’t get taken out when the bigger sets sweep creates a massive wall over cobbles. ALWAYS find some sand to paddle out from and return – a longer is much more preferable to what i wrote above. I have still to get in and out of the surf here without gaining another cut.


K59 on a bad day.


El Zonte, wind was ruining it this day and the true point if off to the left of picture

Now the best break i have surfed in the El Tunco area is Punta Rocca.  An amazing long fast walling barreling break that packs some serious power.  Entrance/exit is over cobbles and its best to avoid morning/evening here as the locals own this break.  This is really the crown jewel of El Salvador and many WQS events are held here.


Punta Rocca

Press play…

Press play on this classic album – Buena Vista Social Club – and picture me – just turned 35 – listening and writing whilst this bumping along in a tiny white bus with the air con stuck in cold speeding through Honduras watching the sun rise over the mountains. Shacks, buildings, shrines and graffiti blur past me all tempting me to look closer but we’ve already gone by too fast – OW – that was a big bump!

(Surfy bit at end – scroll through to avoid what I hope are interesting mini stories)

I’m sorry Honduras but not this time. I’ve placed you, together with the beautiful unexplored North Nicaragua, on the sacrificial pyre of decisions, I’ll have to return for you both.

Craving culture was not normally something I’d associate with travelling but I found myself missing a bit of the city so I took myself off to visit historical Leon, surrounded by volcanoes and steeped in revolutionary history.

The poetic home of Rubén Dario it is also Nicaragua’s unpolished diamond. The buzz of the city (pop 200,000) is immediately apparent electrified by stifling heat and everyone enjoying the shade of the Cathedral Square.

The Cathedral and its roof scape are magnificent affording views across the charming city with its Art Gallery displaying an astounding collection of art, open air in courtyard style galleries/wings.


The theatre, I have become quite attached to these due to my last project, was also a delight and surprisingly had a connection to the Beatles! It was here that after a brief discussion and impromptu tour of the whole theatre that I promised to return in the evening for a performance of international dance, perfect as my Spanish is still, well let’s just say not even pidgin.

Little did I know what was in store (I should have guessed at the price of $2) but I’d luckily managed to convince an amazing couple from Germany; Mark and basketball cheerleader Katerina to join me and besides what better way to see out your last day being closer to 30 than 40!

It began at 1830, actually was meant to begin at 1830, but at 1900 everyone was upstanding for the national anthem and then began the speeches and introduction complete with PowerPoint slides complete with slide changing graphics that would make a certain colleague proud, on a screen that you couldn’t see clearly as the house lights were still on. Still what little I did understand of the speaker, flanked by the national flag and wearing a golden tie in a dark grey shiny suit, was that he asked if we needed more air? Yes! Everyone replied loudly to which nothing was done. Continuing on blissfully unaware, in an almost communist stance, he apologised in advance for the speech he has about to give but that he would give it anyway and please bear with him!!! 25mins later with all the dancers still waiting on the sides of the stage and all of the audience now positively dripping in sweat occasionally interrupting his speech calling out for ‘AIRE’ he proceeds onward for another 20mins until he is able to present the directors of the show we have yet to see with a Diploma. Congratulations.


Alleluia! Let it be known to anyone making a speech, don’t do it BEFORE the show. Everyone, regardless that we were now drenched in sweat and clearly breathing air made more humid by the fact, was ready to walk out without seeing any of the performance!

The show begins with stilt walkers waggling around the stage, before they stalked off and were replaced by children straight out of MJ’s Earth video – I won’t describe all the performances but the show got progressively better, however, the highlights for me were said children returning dressed as Hawaiians and a mermaid and the Tango being done by teenagers at a quarter of the pace making it look like a rather drawn out first embrace and exploration/discovery of the opposite sex as oppose to Rene Russo and Pierce Brosan in the Thomas Crown Affair!

But I focus on the most amusing parts, there were some truly amazing traditional and modern dances that despite the heat performed superbly and left us in high spirits until grey suit and yellow tie walked on stage at the curtain call – leg it – I said to the others and that we did, straight across the road to the nearest bar.

After dinner we celebrated in one of the only clubs in town and saw in my birthday with copious Flora de Cana and Frescas followed by observing Latin American dancefloor culture which seemed to resemble a game of hungry hippo (men being the hippos any girl not dancing with a man the balls in the middle) than dancing.


A nice stroll home bumping into more Germans (you know who’s economy is doing well by the people you meet travelling!) I’d met along the way and home for the mother of all dehydrated hangovers!

One last thing I had to do in Leon was try to understand the myths and legends that surround this deeply rooted Indian culture. The main museum is housed in the old prison that has had all the festival papier-mâché figures installed with it together with some fairly graphic art work displaying various torture techniques.


The stories are varied but the ones that captured my attention where the ones that openly mocked the Spanish and their invasion and brought about demons and ghosts to haunt the streets of Leon and indeed Nicaragua.

The headless priest; this clergyman supported and helped the Indians but once discovered was beheaded in the main square of the Old Leon which then cursed the city and caused many earthquakes until the city was moved to its current location.


The golden crab; the symbol of treasure. The Indian chief refused to give up its location and was burnt but within his flames they saw a golden crab. His daughter the now sole protector was seduced by a deceiving Spaniard and gave up its location before she too was burnt and also disappeared in flames of a golden crab.

The oxcart of death: the Spanish brought the oxcart to Central America and as such when they were patrolling the streets looking for new slaves the Indians would here the hoofs and wheels of the oxcart therefore associating it with death.


On leaving the museum you pass a tank donated by the Commander of 1990 (!) Revolution and now their president for 13 years. It was almost fitting then that as I walked back, for my appointed massage by a blind man, that there was a march going through the centre of town by the youth (no one seemed over 20) of the day campaigning for Presidente Daniel’s re election in November. It is sad that everyone I have spoken to doesn’t want him to continue and they believe the votes are continually rigged with protesters against him disappearing and completed ballot papers found burnt in the street…it is sad that, as highlighted in the impeachment (removal) of Brazil’s this week, that the wheel keeps turning with little change.

The physical scars of Leon’s fight against corruption are everywhere and long may they continue to provide the heart that is Nicaragua.

Hasta luego Nicaragua I’m gonna leave you and run to meet a massive swell set to hit El Salvador next week – don’t think me fickle I just miss the ocean.

LSC Surf Report
Author: me
Driver: Marbin and Carlos
Where: Popoyo, El Transito,

I left giant Gigante for giant Popoyo! At first it was difficult to get the hang of the reef once again the rights were ruined by the RIP but the lefts just went forever.


This break is superb and I surfed it twice a day everyday for a week. Things to note, it’s crowded but there are always waves – we were getting in the water at first light 0515 and generally there were only 3-4 people till about 0630 the that number increased to 30 ish for the rest of the day until sunset when I’d come back.

The rights at low with a pushing tide have little almond barrels and devastating wipeouts but the reef is generally seaweed coved rock and although hard and gives you and your feet and board nicks (particularly at low as it very very shallow, below the knee) it is forgiving. Also bear in mind that the place that looks like a hostel overlooking the break is actually a bar with a shower, I didn’t make enough use of this!


Further along the beach and you have a beginners break: Magnific Rock (though this is also capable of breaking boards in big swells) which has a break both sides of the rock with a nice hotel ($80/night I was staring at Popoyo beach hostel for 10) worth a visit particularly for steak night….

Another 30 mins along and you find a barrelling Santana. I didn’t surf either of these breaks as Popoyo was just too good.

I left this place for what promised to be an amazingly new untapped area no one knew called El transito.

Hmm – bad choice but amazing little town, definite surf destination of the future but if I was you I’d head to Miramar instead where they are more used to the idea of surfers wanting to visit breaks.


El transito itself had a couple of beachies but it really reminded me of home and was nothing special, however, 20mins drive (maybe quicker in a 4WD not a Nissan) away to playa hermosa and you have an empty myriad of choices, this is best at mid – high.


Get a boat, v difficult from el transito ($30/hr) and visit Puerto Sandino and Freight Trains, an aptly named peeling dramatic left. This is better accessed from Miramar though.

Here ends my time in Nicaragua, I was invited to visit the undeveloped north (though I met a couple who are looking to set up shop there) and wave called the Boom which I definitely have to go back for as its reputation is astounding.

Any advice required on Nica please get in touch – good luck with the surf back home I hear it’s been awesome…


Time is running out!

One month down and two to go I already feel like I am running out of time – so many people have told me of amazing places to go to, hang out, walk, or surf and I don’t think I have time to visit them all – life is TOUGH!


I’ve immersed myself in Spanish, well i’m at least trying to learn doggy paddle, as there is no real option when you are moving around on your own.  I have to rely on myself and, in my case, appalling haggling skills.  A few people have asked me what it is like travelling ‘solo’ (en espanol) and as with everything it has its peaks and troughs, from sharing a room with a lovely ex jewish orthodox mum of two, nurse who turned out to be a nutter claiming all mental ill people are psychopaths at birth and abnormal – I had to stop the conversation there as I was now certain she was going to vote for Trump – to meeting people only very briefly over a quick beer and them imparting their considerable knowledge of El Salvador and Guatemala.

But in all cases it amounts to you needing to get along with yourself first – get to grips with bad situations/good and primarily having to work things out for yourself! Thanks to Facebook etc you are also able to share your experience and photos with those who you meet almost instantly like Damien, from Cork, who did a strenuous ten hour hike with me up Volcan Conception, Isla Ometepe.  I believe we shared a lot during those ten hours possibly never to meet again!


As for the working things out part, well it turns out sending a parcel home is a difficult business.  

Day 1; find and go to post office try in very broken Spanish to explain what you wanted to do (send my mum a birthday present + my spare jumper and trousers [idiot]).  Decipher that you need to find a box from a shop and put your stuff in it.  I understand that she closes at 1630 and resign myself to the fact this will have to be a two day deal.  I go round all the shops thinking you are asking for a box but when they present you with a pair of Marigolds decide you definitely don’t have the right translation! Find said box, leave it in the offy when you buy a beer to congratulate yourself on finding the box and watch the sunset.  

Day 2; find another box, pack it, address it sellotape it to the max, take to post office. No this isn’t acceptable, the show box needs to be wrapped in special brown paper, OK, can i have some? No.  The old lady then tells me i have to go to the other side of town, translated by pen and paper to a bibliotec and buy some paper, ‘oh an day the way i close in 10 mins at 1600 today?! So i run, in 30 e.g. heat, to this shop – an amazing shop of stationery i wish i could have dwelled in – where the kind lady beautiful wraps my box for me and I run back just in time whereupon this post office lady starts ripping the wrapping paper off shaking her head! I’m gesticulating wildly now dripping in sweat about to chop her head off.  Then she cuts all the sellotape opens the box and starts taking a manifest of its contents even insisting to un wrap my mums present – they really need to work on their trust issues.  I also had to give the return address of: Spanish Ya School, on the road behind the Uno Gas station, San Juan Del Sur! Anyhow see her photo below and the quaint room they call their Post Office. 


The rest of my time, when i wasn’t studying, in San Juan Del Sur was spent meeting Swedish and Swiss folk, drinking, eating and surfing so not much to report there!

In Playa Gigante hunting the barrel at the moment then off up the coast to Popoyo for the same reason – then to Leon for culture and then to El transito or something before heading for another border.

On a more sombre note: today we were alerted from our hammocks to screams and whistles from the cliff top next to us and discovered a boy of about 10-12 years old had been swept off the rocks below us and couldn’t swim.  The owner, Olly grabbed a bodyboard and his mate Thomas his surfboard as we ran down to try and help, i ran up the to top of the rock and tried to keep an eye on him as he went under and direct them to the position where he was now floating face down, it took an age but we got to him and dragged him to shore for CPR for 5 mins but they were unable to revive him.  Unfortunately and very grave lesson to us all, please keep safe in and out of the water.

Hasta Luego

LSC Surfy Bit

San Juan Del Sur

This is the surf hub of Southern Nicaragua, from here you can get daily shuttles $10 return to Playa Yanquill and $5 return to Playa Hermosa, Playa Remanso and Playa Maderas.  A lot of people in the SJDS run shuttles and you can look around to find which times suit you best.

I find these really rather annoying and a far better option is staying at a hostel on the beach at either Maderas (intermediates+) or Hermosa (beginners).

I only surfed Maderas and Yanquill.  Maderas is a fast and sometimes hollow punching beach/reef breach that worked for lefts and rights into this little bay, beware the locals rip! but everyone is generally good natured.  It works at pretty much all states of tide thought the wave changes considerable with Low tide offering both left and right barrels and high offering massive drops and fast steep walls from the centre of the beach.  There is also potential to walk to the right as you face the main break and go exploring. (I believe they held a national surf comp here not too long ago)


Yanquill is definitely worth the trip and extra money for the shuttle – its a beautiful untouched beach that appears to have a chicken as its local hero. This really only works on mid to high and produces great little wedges that sometimes barrel going left and right.  We spent 4 hours straight in here and it was blissfully quiet and glassy.  



I’ve also bee reliably informed that near the border El Ostinel and the break Los Senos (breasts) is also worth a trip if you have a 4WD.

Playa Gigante

This is the home of Panga Drops, Colorado and Amarilla.  The bummer about this place is that you have to walk for about 40mins to get to a decent break, unless you have car.


I surfed Panga yesterday, peak furthest away from you in the photo and about an hour walk.  The locals liken it to Sunset – jeez – the take off zone is like the size of a football pitch and hell every once in a while a massive set comes through taking you out completely – that said it was awesome.  The current forecast is 4-6 ft @ 15 sec building tomorrow to 17 whoop whoop!  There was A LOT of water moving around  and the waves were at least a foot overhead but fat and rolling on through so you could sit on the side watch them and paddle across into and onto them…well you could also paddle right up the point and catch them at the critical point but sod that!  IF you go left you might as well catch it all the way to shore get out and walk around and if you join up the rights with the shore break  – well lets just say it really wasn’t worth it!

Went again today and was the biggest surf I’ve ever been out in – at least 10ft (and suddenly thought when i was out that my board and leash might be too small when the guy next to me said he was going in for his step up!) GULP.  Sat on the shoulder for ages then after seeking to this guy, Freddie, he called me into one and WOW what a drop to fast fast fast down the line wall – then i got properly worked on the inside, two of the biggest waves of my life two of the worst beatings in my life = good session.  NB at this size it was hitting the bowl and throwing massive barrels for the brave.


Colorado is just the other side of the headland in the picture and BARRELS breaking boards and bones this is the Supertubos of Nicaragua without the smell of sardines.  Unfortunately with the swell so large it was being ripped to shreds and wasn’t working.

Amarilla is just below the cliffs of the hostel where I am staying, Monkey Surf Hostel (basic but cheap and full of surfers who go to bed early and get up at 5?!) and closest to us in the picture.  This seems to be a punchy beach break with the possibility of a left point of the cliffs below. Im told this provides beautiful sandbar point breaks the likes of Capbreton in France but it wasn’t working while i was there.

Bus Journeys and Border X-ing

Everyone should take a long, multi change, bus journey in their lifetime – it tries the patience, allows for ultimate contemplation/meditation, lets you see all the social characteristics of a country and those that visit it all in one fell swoop.

Yesterday I started out in Playa Carmen, Costa Rica, sharing a bus with a bunch of Americans one of which (the young one) decided to be all bullish and in a stentorian voice tell everyone about his stay, talking over, around and across me and deciding to rubbish the country we had all fallen in love with, obviously no one corrected him as it was 0800 and well, anyhow he then fell asleep sprawled across his and my half of the seat and then started snoring. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t British as I obviously didnt cause a fuss.  Then, thankfully, a change in bus at Liberia and on to a much roomier, far more enjoyable local bus to the border – time to watch the world, towns and social interaction go by whilst trying not to get sunburnt or sweat to much…cue Massive Attack Blue Lines for the journey up to the plateau of La Cruz and then it was time to cross the border.

Within about 5km of the border both sides of the road were 2 deep in lorries parked waiting for the right price of the produce they were carrying before shipping the goods across, amazing, and it signalled this was going to be a weird crossing.  We all got off the bus, I guess I should just follow the people, they must know where – right – queue up for a while, praising air conditioning and find out you have to go somewhere outside in the general direction of the official’s pointing finger to pay a departure tax.  Ok but where? 

Turns out you walk back 100m, down a dusty bank and at the bottom you find a couple of sheds with metal bars across the windows and people behind them taking your cash and giving you a receipt.   

Back to the desk queue, oh of course, find a departure form, being held by the guy outside, who you tip for giving you the free form, fill that in, queue again and bingo walk out of the room, turn the only way I haven’t gone yet and start walking – this is no mans land.

A strange 5 min walk with police and guns on the side of the road sheltering from the heat under trees and  your surfboard on the top of a rickshaw ahead of you with the kind Victoria getting a lift.


In the distance you see an even more basic shed, show your passport, move on through, next theres a gazebo, show your passport move on through – try to ignore everyone grabbing your bags wanting to carry them, then walk another 1 mins to a non-discript building, pay $2 to enter then queue up again, realising too late that you are in the car entry queue…oh well Victoria helps out again and we queue together – passport gets looked at – $15 please, what? is this a bribe, a mass of Spanish ensues in which it turns out the Customs Officer is asking Victoria when she is going to leave me! We just pay, eventually get change from the lock box in the booth nextdoor and move on through…hook up with some other out of place looking tourists and book a cab – Victoria heads off to her new home in Popoyo and I wait 40mins for the others to have their passports returned to them (they came through on the bus and weirdly had to throw all of their passports in a used bin bag as it came down the bus!!!) walk through another gate, show your passport again to some semi official looking dudes (see pic below) move on through, squeeze in cab, drive 5mins down the road oh, yep, pulled over to show the passport again, this time the army officer has a clipboard, an actual clipboard with a list of passport numbers and names on it!  he goes methodically through the list and double checks before returning our passports.  Finally I’m in Nicaragua and we are speeding past Isla Ometepe, an island with two volcanoes, on our way to my home for the next week; Sna Juan del Sur.


Amazing journey – wish I could have taken more photos but I didn’t want my passport checked again.  I’ve heard the crossing into Panama involves a disused railway bridge with holes in it – I’m sure the ones to come are going to crazier and crazier.

Thanks also to Argentinian Victoria and American Chris for their help getting me across. 

OK, 2 weeks in and i think i may have got it

WOW, I think I’ve managed to get my head around this and dragged myself kicking and screaming into the 21st century!

I’m 2 weeks into my travels and exploration with the goals of learning Spanish and getting in the bazza!  I’m getting surf fit and tomorrow i’m off to Nicaragua to stay with a family and begin my journey of understanding the latin language.

What to say about the first two weeks; well, my favourite phrase has been “baby steps”.  The first week was spent surfing in and around Tamarindo whilst staying with Trevor and Christina’s gang in the best house I have ever stayed in: Puros Dieces.  Everyone was amazing and the views simply stunning whilst we dangled our toes in the infinity pool and sipped G+T’s watching the sun go down.  After explaining the rules of ‘Shithead’ to the Americans a day long game ensued, ending in a video that i hope to be able to post once James has done his magic.


I’m now coming to the end of my week long stay with the lovely Chrissy (ex LSC memb) who has currently sold her ticket home to embark on a project to get more women into surfing.  She is currently working here, photographing, Reiki’ing, wardening, and as such I have got a good deal.  All I’ve really done here is get my travelling groove on, get drunk, slightly mugged, deal with my first round of sunburn, read books surf and sleep, much much needed sleep.

Tomorrow I head to Nicaragua as Costa Rica is burning a hole in my wallet.



The surfer, LSC bit.

Tamarindo: We mainly surfed Playa Grande which is a large beach that has a punchy quick hollow left and right peak in front of the car park and juice bar.  This was often very competitive, however, a short walk down the beach and there were other empty peaks waiting to be ridden, this beach should really only be surfed mid-high tide.  We also surfed Guiondes, which was a large expansive beach with waves and rips to match offering quite a lengthy paddle out at low but rewarding with fat powerful waves.  I lost my nerve here a good few times!  If I came again and wanted to be in the area of Tamarindo I’d certainly look at getting a house/lodge here its idyllic.  Avellanas, perhaps made famous by its resident 180lb pig, was a beautiful beach and break offering long, small barrels, rights and lefts though the best peak always had a competitive take of zone.  We didn’t surf the river mouth but I wish we had as since I have heard nothing but great things about it despite the crocodiles.   (see image at top)  also there were amazing coconuts and this ingenious shower…


Santa Terese/Playa Carmen:  this is the equivalent of surfing mecca, if a little bit expensive, you get here take one look at the clear water, clean beaches, fat waves at Playa Carmen/Pitchy barreling waves at Santa Terese and you are hooked.  SO many people have been here months and aren’t leaving, you WILL get stuck here. (If you are a climber and have ever been to Tonsai in Thailand, it is the ‘same same but different’.) I stayed in the Rio Carmen Hostel ($20/night for a private room with fan), but this is due to change and a quick look on Air bnb and you will find excellent affordable options U$400/month for a 3 bed shack next to the beach.  Word of warning do not get drunk and cycle/walk home alone along the beach or main road, you will get mugged by a charming very fluent in English arseholes on a motorbike, luckily I don’t remember much of it, and I ended up giving him $20 and he left me alone.

Sorry for very few photos of surf directly, its difficult to take your camera to the beach prior to a surf.

Oh you have to get up at 0530 to get the best windless conditions but hey you cant do much in the mid day heat except catch up on sleep so who cares.  Did I mention that the water is 28 degrees celsius?
